Legal notice

Jamos GmbH Zerspanungstechnologie
Schmalenhofer Strasse 29
42551 Velbert
Phone: +49 2051 80111 - 0
Fax: +49 2051 80111 - 40
Worldwide web: 

Personally liable partner:

Jamos GmbH Zerspanungstechnologie, Head Office in Velbert, Germany
Managing Director: Dipl.-Ing. Gerrit Woeste
Registered at the Local Court in Wuppertal
Company no.: HRB 17408
VAT ID no. as required by Sec. 27a of German VAT legislation:
DE 121541074
Responsible for the content in accordance with Sec. 6 MDStV: Dipl.-Ing. Gerrit Woeste

Under the following link, the European Commission has made a platform for online arbitration available:
Our email address can be seen on the page entitled Legal notice.

We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlements through any consumer arbitration bodies.

Concept & design:

Sylke Lützenkirchen
Studio for communication design
Phone: +49 2053 493377
Worldwide web:


V15* Thorsten Neuhaus
Worldwide web:

Liability for the content:

As service providers of this website, we are responsible for our own content under Sec. 7(1) of the German Telecommunications Media Law (Telemediengesetz) as governed by general legislation. However, under Sections 8 to 10 of that law, we as service providers are not liable for monitoring external information transmitted through or stored on our website or to research circumstances that may indicate illegal activity.

Our obligations to remove or block the use of information in compliance with general legislation remain unaffected. Liability in this regard can however not be entertained unless and until we receive knowledge of a specific violation of the law. On becoming aware of any such violations of the law, we shall endeavour to remove the content without delay.

Liability for links:

Our website contains links to external websites owned by third parties and we have no influence whatever on the design and content of linked sites. As a result we cannot vouch for and have no influence on the content of those sites and cannot accept any liability for their content. The owners of those Third Party linked sites have sole liability for their own content. The linked sites were checked for the appropriateness of their content when the links were incorporated in our website. No illegal activities were noted at the time they were linked.

However, continuous monitoring of external linked content is unreasonable without a specific suspicion of a violation of the law. On becoming aware of any such violations of the law, we shall endeavour to remove the links without delay.


All content, text and images, programming code etc. made available by this website provider is subject to German copyright law. Reproduction in any form, modification, translation, electronic storage, processing or forwarding of the content in any form such as a database or other electronic medium or system outside the restrictions of copyright law requires prior written consent by this author or provider. Downloads and copies from this website may only be used for personal, non-commercial purposes.

If content was not created by this service provider, the copyright restrictions of those third parties have been complied with. In particular, content provided by third parties is identified as such. If you nevertheless become aware of an infringement of copyright, we would appreciate notification. On becoming aware of any such violations of the law, we shall endeavour to remove the content without delay.
